Success in Internet Marketing Is Not Easy - Don't Read This You Might Get Scared and Quit
If you are new to internet marketing and wanting to get your feet wet then you'll want to think twice about getting involved online. Most people fail within the first six months and leave the industry. Some of the most common mistakes are made over and over without ever knowing that you actually missed step one the first time around. Knowing what to do when starting an online business is essential to becoming successful.
You'll need to get an opt in list going like the one to the right. Give away something to your readers. Don't just expect them to just show up and not get anything. How often do you go to someones house to a party and not take a gift for them? Many of you may not do that at all but I know that I do. So, giving something away of value on your website is essential to building loyal readership and will keep your customers coming back for many visits.
Maybe before you begin you should consider getting a mentor. Many people online will often help you out if you just ask. Most in this industry that are creating informational products are happy to share their experiences. I know I am. Now, I can't always do it every time for free but I do give people that ask me to help a shot at helping them along. So, try to find someone to mentor you. You'll be much better off and save a lot of money.
You need to know who your competitors are. If you don't you are wasting your time. Spend a lot of time researching the market before you even build your commerce site or a membership site. You'll gain much insight to what is going on long before you launch your site or product.
Having some general knowledge of SEO is also helpful but not mandatory. Most of your SEO tactics can be learned by going to YouTube or finding a local expert for your market. Hell, email me. I'll give you some help. For FREE!
Also, when you get in to a market you are going to have to learn how to find profitable keywords. If you don't identify your niche and seek out the low hanging fruit keywords then you'll flounder and fail online. How to Get to #1 on Google isn't easy.
For example, I have a new site I am building called Southern California Golf Homes. I had to do extensive keyword research to find golf courses in Southern California that I could include in my content of my site.
Finally, you have to create not only a product or service but you'll need to create content to syndicate online. Not everyone is good at writing interesting, unique and informative content especially when you get started. For example if you are in real estate you may want to outsource real estate tasks over seas to get some of your content going. If you are trying to write articles on your own then you also may want to check out Jiffy Articles. Jiffy Articles makes it really easy to come up with unique content. They give you many templates to start with. You can see a Jiffy Articles review here.
Hope this helps and always feel free to contact me directly at our website. Especially if you want to get started in real estate and learn how to market real estate online. I am happy to help you with whatever you may need.